
Chair: Derek Howard Percival

Derek has a history of helping people having had a career in the Fire Service and then Local Authority. He was Property Secretary of Wesley Church for 25 years being instrumental in the improvements to make the premises fit for purpose of community use. This was done with a number of grants. He has a wide experience over many fields.

Treasurer: Alex Cooksey

Alex is a hardworking, dedicated person who in addition to his commitment to 291 Community Association CIO is the manager of Ryders Green Day Centre. Alex has experience in working to budgets, of finance and accounting systems. He is committed to the happiness of people in their retirement years.

Trustee: Bronwen Still 

Bronwen was a trustee of LawCare Limited for 25 years, including serving 4 years as chair of the charity. She retired from that role in December 2022. LawCare supported lawyers with mental health and addiction problems through a confidential helpline and a system of peer supporters. The charity also helped to encourage firms to create healthy workplaces through its website, seminars, podcasts etc. 

Bronwen is a solicitor but is now semi-retired. Her interests include travel, the arts, gardening and walking.  

Trustee: Rev Carole J. Holden

Carole was born and grew up in West Bromwich and spent much of her childhood and youth as part of Wesley Church. She worked as a lecturer in Further Education for a number of years before eventually being ordained as a presbyteral minister in the Methodist Church. After serving Circuits in Loughborough and Chesterfield, Carole retired back to West Bromwich, completed a Masters Degree, and then picked up the threads of life at Wesley.

“My time is now spent mostly in leading worship, in tutoring and mentoring, and in being part of the day to day life of 291 Creative Hub”.

Our Trustees

All of our Trustees are committed to their statutory duty to ensure that 291 Community Association CIO complies:

· With its governing document (Constitution), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations

· Pursues its objects as defined in its governing document

· Applies it’s resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects. For example, it must not spend money on activities which are not included in the objects, however worthwhile they may be

· Contribute actively to the board of trustees by giving firm strategic direction to 291 CA CIO, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance against agreed targets

· Safeguard the good name and values of 291 Community Association CIO

· To ensure the financial stability of 291 Community Association CIO.

In addition to the above statutory duties, each trustee is committed to use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions. This may involve leading discussions, identifying key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, and evaluating or offering advice on other areas in which the trustee has particular expertise.